Kartik Ramachandruni

I am a 4th Year PhD student in Robotics (Interactive Computing department) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am advised by Prof. Sonia Chernova as part of the Robot Autonomy and Interactive Learning (RAIL) lab. My research focuses on enabling embodied AI agents to assist users with daily routines in unstructured and highly personalized human spaces with minimal task supervision.

I graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur with a B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, after which I worked as a robotics researcher for two years at the Tata Research and Innovation labs in Bangalore, India. I also did a summer research internship with the Google Cerebra team in New York during the summer of 2023, where I worked on developing uncertainty-aware LLM agents for UI automation tasks.

Email: kvr6 [at] gatech [dot] edu  |  Resume/CV  |  Scholar

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I am currently working on user-assistive robots that learn user organizational preferences, such as object placement and arrangement preferences, from passive observation rather than explicit task instructions or demonstrations. My research aims to develop semantic reasoning techniques that can learn novel rearrangement preferences by integrating contextual cues from passive observations of partially arranged environments (e.g. a half-empty fridge or cabinet), with the aim of generalizing to previously unseen objects and households. My broader research interests include employing user interaction to resolve goal uncertainty in assistive tasks, user-adaptive task planning for human-robot collaboration, and robot imitation learning from video demonstrations.

ConSOR: A Context-Aware Semantic Object Rearrangement Framework for Partially Arranged Scenes
Kartik Ramachandruni, Max Zuo, Sonia Chernova
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023, IROS ARC 2023 workshop
Paper | Code | Abstract | Poster | Workshop

UHTP: A User-Aware Hierarchical Task Planning Framework for Communication-Free, Mutually-Adaptive Human-Robot Collaboration
Kartik Ramachandruni*, Cassandra Kent*, Sonia Chernova
Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI) 2023, ACC HAI 2022 workshop
Paper | Code | Abstract | Workshop

A Survey of Semantic Reasoning Frameworks for Robotic Systems
Weiyu Liu*, Angel Daruna*, Kartik Ramachandruni**, Maithili Patel**, Sonia Chernova
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) 2023
Paper | Abstract

Attentive Task-Net: Self Supervised Task-Attention Network for Imitation Learning using Video Demonstration
Kartik Ramachandruni, Madhu Vankadari, Anima Majumder, Samrat Dutta, Swagat Kumar
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020
Paper | Abstract

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website